Radio’s Property Is For His Children - Lawyer

 It was previously reported that Weasel had thumped Radio’s brother, Frank Ssekibigo,  for selling off some of  Radio's property.

Radio’s Property Is For His Children - Lawyer
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Late musician, Mowzey Radio’s family has been clashing with his widows and Weasel, who sang with Radio under Goodlyfe and co-owned some property like the Neverland home in Makindye.

 It was previously reported that Weasel had thumped Radio’s brother, Frank Ssekibigo,  for selling off some of  Radio's property.

During a TV interview, Weasel said he was going to die fighting for Radio’s property. He said he was doing it for the sake of Radio’s kids.

“I am ready to die if it is what it will take,” he said.

In a move to solve the row between different parties claiming property, a court procedure aimed at choosing an administrator was held but nothing tangible  came out of the meeting apparently, because over seven people are claiming a share of the  property; Lillian Mbabazi, Karen (Radio’s mzungu widow), Radio’s mother, Weasel and a man from Njeru, who alleges to be the father to the fallen singer.

According to Bosco Mudde, who represents the Gudlyfe, everything belongs to the children because their father was above eighteen, independent from his parents. The law dictates that when someone above 18 years of age passes on, his belongings are inherited by his/her children.

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