Home Remedies for Ulcers

Ulcers in stomach, also called gastric or peptic ulcers, are common pain ailments in both women and men, and even in children.

Home Remedies for Ulcers
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Ulcers in stomach, also called gastric or peptic ulcers, are common pain ailments in both women and men, and even in children.

They are open sores or lesion in the lining of your stomach which are mainly triggered by the acids’ irritation in your stomach. Other reasons can be physical injury, alcohol consumption and burns or simply the use of painkillers like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory pills, aspirin, naproxen or ibuprofen. Ulcers can be associated with some symptoms like vomiting, indigestion, abdominal pain, nausea, bloating and the like, which make you feel annoyed and painful.

1. Cabbage – Carrots

home remedies for ulcers

Cabbage  is considered as one of the best home remedies for ulcers in the stomach thanks to its lactic acid that can produce the amino acid, which can stimulate blood flow over the stomach lining. Therefore, it can help strengthen stomach lining and heal the ulcer afterwards. Moreover, cabbage holds a rich amount of vitamin C that has been found to benefit from patients with H.pylori infections, while carrot juice is composed of vitamin U or called an anti-peptic ulcer factor. The mixture of cabbage and carrots will be the first best choice to treat ulcers in the stomach.


  • 1/2 of a cabbage
  • 2 carrots


  • First, cut the cabbage and carrots into the small pieces
  • Then, place them in a blender so as to extract the juice
  • Next, drink 1/2 cup of this juice
  • Repeat this remedy 3-4 times daily (prior to each meal and before going to bed) for some weeks.

You should make sure that you utilize fresh juice each time.

2. Coconut

home remedies for ulcers

These properties can kill the bacteria causing ulcers and its anti-ulcer qualities. You can consume coconut milk, tender coconut water, or coconut oil, any of which can help you treat ulcers in the stomach effectively.

Process 1: Coconut Milk Or Tender Coconut Water


  • 1 cup of coconut milk or the tender coconut water


  • Drink the coconut milk or the tender coconut water
  • You can also consume the kernel of tender coconut
  • Repeat this remedy 2-3 times daily for no less than 1 week

Process 2: Coconut Oil


  • 1 tsp of coconut oil


  • Consume the coconut oil
  • Repeat this remedy twice daily (once in the morning, another at night) for around 1 week

3. Bananas

home remedies for ulcers

In order to treat ulcers in the stomach, both unripe and ripe bananas are beneficial because of its antibacterial compounds, which inhibit the development of ulcer. Plus, bananas protect the system thanks to its ability to wipe out acidity of the gastric juices, which helps to reduce inflammation and strengthen the stomach lining. Therefore, bananas are effective home remedies for ulcers in your stomach that you should follow at home.


  • 1 ripe banana


  • Eat the banana
  • Repeat this at least 3 times daily

You can make banana milkshakes instead of eating ripe bananas.

4. Honey

home remedies for ulcers

Honey contains potent healing properties, which help much in treating stomach ulcers because its enzyme, called glucose oxidase, can produce hydrogen peroxide that kills harmful bacteria causing ulcers. Moreover, honey can soothe and reduce the inflammation of your stomach lining. Plus, it helps to strengthen the stomach lining, clear the bowel and treat and prevent stomach ulcers’ recurrence. As a result, using honey as one of effective home remedies for ulcers in your stomach is your best choice ever.


  • 2 tsp of honey


  • Consume the honey once daily on an empty stomach in the morning.

As you start to cure your ulcers, you can consume 1 tsp of honey per day

5. Banana & Honey

home remedies for ulcers

Here is the instruction to make the mixture of banana and honey for treating ulcers:


  • 2-3 bananas
  • 1 tsp of honey


  • First, peel the bananas and then cut them into thin slices
  • Next, place the thin slices in the sun till they become dry.
  • Afterwards, grind the dried pieces into powder
  • After that, mix 2 tsp of dried banana powder with the honey together well
  • Consume this mixture
  • Repeat this remedy 3 times daily for around 1 week

6. Garlic

home remedies for ulcers

Garlic that is always available in your kitchen also has a capability of treating ulcers in the stomach because of its antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that can keep checking the levels of Helicobacter pylori bacterium (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle). Therefore, garlic not only can ease the inflammation but also prevent ulcers in your stomach.


  • 2-3 garlic cloves
  • 1 cup of water


  • First, crush the garlic cloves
  • Then, eat the crushed garlic
  • Next, drink the water
  • Repeat this remedy 1-2 times daily
7. Cucumber
home remedies for ulcers

Cucumbers are also effective home remedies for ulcers in the stomach because it contains cooling and cleansing effects. Therefore, cucumbers can help you relieve stomach ulcers and their symptoms such as indigestion and acidity.

  • You can eat 2-3 raw cucumbers daily
  • You can extract cucumbers’ juice from their pulp. Then, refrigerate it. Drink the juice on an empty stomach in the morning.
8. Ginger & Honey
home remedies for ulcers

The combination of ginger and honey is another natural solution to ease your ulcers’ pain and inflammation.


  • 1 tsp of honey
  • 1-2 tsp of ginger juice


  • Mix the ingredients well
  • Then, consume the mixture
  • Repeat this 1-2 times daily
9. Water
home remedies for ulcers
  • Consuming 1.5-2 liters of water daily can help your body hydrated and reduce the ulcers pain in stomach.
  • Alternatively, you can drink 1 cup of water containing 1 tsp of barley grass powder 5-6 times daily that can help you cure your condition as well.
10. Avoiding Alcohol And Smoking
home remedies for ulcers

Whilst you are suffering from ulcers in stomach, you should skip drinking alcohol, milk and smoking for the meantime due to some following reasons.

It is definitely known the harms of drinking alcohol whether you are fine or ill because of its high acid.

Lastly, smoking can worsen the condition as cigarette holds toxic ingredients that can cause more pain and inflammation and make the ulcers bigger in size.

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