Well, there. The use of pubic hair was to secrete these pheromones and play matchmaker. No wonder in this era of bikini-waxing, deodorants and strong perfumes replacing the good old pheromones, we are blind-flying when it comes to love.

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I found an interesting article written by Emer O’Toole in the UK’s The Guardian, which left me thinking, is the fascination with bikini waxing finally ending?

And if it is, how many women are even willing to jump onto the hairy bandwagon?

For decades, attacking one’s armpits and groin area with a razor, Veeto, or wax have been considered grooming.

Because, hey, you don’t know the spelling of ‘stench’ until you have smelt an overgrown and poor-hygiene armpit (or ‘legpit’, for that matter)!

Yet scientists say in various studies, that man’s God-given instincts, especially when it comes to attracting the opposite sex and the right spouse, lie in pheromones – those natural chemical substances specially concentrated in the hairy pits of a human body.

Pubic hair, according to scientists, was designed by God on our bodies to trap the natural odours rich in pheromones, as our natural way of meeting compatible mates.

Like O’Toole writes, Hollywood actress Cameron Diaz has proclaimed that pubic hair must be there for a reason, and to remove it is tantamount to saying, “I don’t need my nose”.

Well, there. The use of pubic hair was to secrete these pheromones and play matchmaker. No wonder in this era of bikini-waxing, deodorants and strong perfumes replacing the good old pheromones, we are blind-flying when it comes to love.

It is more a case of closing one’s eyes and casting the die; if one is lucky, it just could land on the right card. If not, one takes a gamble for years, fails miserably and opts out and back to the drawing board. And the cycle continues.

If you were still wondering what the secret was to our grandparents’ and great-grandparents’ success at marriage, well, part of your answer could lie there. Pheromones reigned supreme in their time.

Scientists say, each one’s pheromones are designed to uniquely attract particular people. So while you may find one’s natural body odour repugnant, it could be the ultimate aphrodisiac to the right subject.

But then came the idealistic images of feminine cleanliness, in the translation of no bodily hair whatsoever. Make no mistake; men have kept their hair even as they prevailed on women to lose theirs. Could it be why they are more likely to have multiple sex partners compared to their clean-shaven female counterparts? I mean, if science is to be believed, their pheromones must be working overtime…

“On John Ruskin’s wedding night, legend has it, the art critic [and Victorian era philanthropist] fainted on finding that – unlike the Elysian statues of his fantasies – women had body hair. Many men still expect their sexual encounters to entail pudenda, pins and pits as marble-smooth as those of young Ruskin’s imagination…” O’Toole writes. “Though I am no astrologer, I think 2014 might just be the year of the bush.”

According to The Guardian, a UK Medix poll recently found that 50% of UK women did not groom down there at all.

“So why, if women were so easily duped in the 20th century, are they seemingly wilier now, seemingly more willing to reject the shame heaped on their hairy privates? I think one answer is that privates usually are quite private, and – give or take a few spanners – our partners tend to love us as we are, in a way that wider society does not. I think another answer is the discomfort and the invasiveness of pubic waxing.

I had my first (and last) in Hollywood in August as research for the book I’m writing, and I could not believe how painful it was. Or the rash and itch that set in as it grew out. It’s too much. It’s too far. We resent the pressure, and we resent being made to feel ashamed,” O’Toole writes.

Even in Kampala, from the rudimentary grooming methods passed down to us by our mothers and ssengas, (to use cold fireplace ash as a powder that enabled an adolescent girl to easily pluck out armpit hairs with her fingers – never tried plucking elsewhere) now for Shs 30,000 or even less, many up-market salons offer waxing.

So, am I saying we throw away our razors and Veeto creams then? No. Personally, I would rather ‘blind-fly’ some more than walk around with a Mpanga forest in my nether-regions. I was just warning you that the West is throwing away the waxing products and forecasting 11 hairy months ahead.

Since the average Ugandan’s mentality is, ‘whatever style the West rocks, I can rock better’, heavens have mercy.

As a compromise, how about we stick to a rain forest on our heads, a desert in the armpits (for aesthetics, people), but keep close-mown savannah grasslands or naughty ‘French cuts’ elsewhere. For truth is, also the baby-like smoothness on a grown woman’s ‘down there’ is clean – yes – but ……oh well…..let’s just say you need your pheromones too. via observer

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