GNL Zamba Gets Mad At Bukedde …For What He Calls Silliest Article Ever and More…

I don’t think It’s a good Idea to wage war against media because media can make or break you

GNL Zamba Gets Mad At Bukedde …For What He Calls Silliest Article Ever and More…
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I don’t think It’s a good Idea to wage war against media because media can make or break you, Well Earnest Nsimbi alias GNL Zamba has so far gone HAM on two media houses…Kampala Sun And Now Bukedde.

Read Also: GNL Zamba goes HAM on the Kampala Sun For Negative Articles About Him

Just over the Weekend …the rapper could not keep his cool when he saw what he calls the silliest article ever about him.

He posted on social media to share his bad feeling on the matter and here it is

 Ranting and tantrums isnt really my style but as i was reading through some material & i came to a conclusion that...

That Bukedde Article March 1st 2015 is the silliest article I've ever read.
Kanjogere Luganda ntabikemu no' luzungu olutono.

Bwensalawo okulinyisa edala lya music gwenkola kitwala ebanga abantu abamu nabo kibatwalira ebanga okumutegera no ku kwataganya mu bawagizi baffe. kyabulijo. Nebwetwali tetunava yo ngaba HipHop artist era amawulire tegatuwagira. Music gwenkola essawa zino omuwandisi wa article eyo ayinza okumutegera nga wayise ebanga ate nga album eno eya dreaming in color empya essawa zinno wenjogera nina show mu newyork, seatle ne atlanta (Festivals besides ugandan shows like UNNA) nga atte sina jitongoza mubawagizi bange aba East Africa. nze abawagizi bange sibavuma ngako era awo ompayiriza. ekika kya music ono gwe tukola (Hip Hop) omuntu bwavayo nga legend tupac shakur ,Talib kweli, Nas (Hate me now)nayogera kubata muyagaliza aba tavumye bamuwagira.(listen to the lyrics) The aggression in the music and self aggrandization is part of the culture, do not mis understand it and mis judge it. Totegera what hiphop is bwoba olowoza nyomba.(Listen to a few albums)

Ekilala, abasajja ba legend nga UB40, phill collins ne kenny rogers bwebajja okukola world tour ne mu uganda bajuza bisawe, naye kambuze, basembaddi okubera kukasigiri kamwe aka mpa akapya buli sawa?!!!!!

Eyo mentality esse quality ya music,nti buli omu affa kufulumya mangu nebwaba kasasiro abere ku chart(half baked in haste) nze sibwenkola. kiletera nabalala okulwana bakole amawulire mbu mubayogere ko.

Point endala, jotayogeddeko nga munamawulire nti mwena aba media houses intergrity yamwe ne love ya art ssente ezikira era ekintu mukyononye. Tekikwewunyisa nti neno article waliwo eyajisasulidde okutu fananya obubi(ITS BEEN DONE BEFORE AT YOUR PAPER)
Omuyimbi okumuzanya buli radio eyagala ssente ne presenter, ne banamawulire okukuwandikako ebizimba bagala ssente. ffe ba mama baffe tebalye?!!!!!!

when i perform on international music festivals you donot report how glorious those stories are for the country and how they inspire the younger generation but you sensationalize pictures of nude women and drunk musicians, where are your priorities?!!!!!

Keep it Howwe , will keep you posted on this.

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